GameDay Database
It is a database with info taken from the mlb gameday service ( for the 2007 and 2008 seasons including the new pitch f/x data.
To use it you need to have mysql server installed and knowledge of sql language. I also suggest the mysql gui tools download. Or maybe there is something to convert mysql to access database for some people?
I also am providing the project I used to get the info into the database. Before messing with it, know that I am not a programmer. It is very messy and buggy. I had to run in debug mode to get everything in the database so I think it is not 100% accurate, but it should be good for most researches.
If you do want to work with the project you will need the mysql connector from to interact with the database.
Here is the link to downloads below. project files
2007-2008 Gameday Database in SQL format
To put this database on your server you do a command like this:
mysql --user=youruser --password=youpassword < c:\path\to\gd_07_08.sql
To test after you think you have it done use this sample query. It shows k% based on first initial of first name. Weird, I know. I saw an article saying people with names that start with K might strikeout more because of subconcious reasons and I was curious.
select big.ked / big.tot as kpercent, big.subname1 from ( select * from ( select count(*) as tot, substring(player.fname,1,1) as subname1 from atbat,player,player_team where atbat.batter = player_team.player_team_id and player_team.`player$playerid`= player.playerid group by substring(player.fname,1,1)) as uno, ( select count(*) as ked, substring(player.fname,1,1) as subname2 from atbat,player,player_team where atbat.batter = player_team.player_team_id and player_team.`player$playerid`= player.playerid and atbat.event = 'strikeout' group by substring(player.fname,1,1 ) ) as dos where uno.subname1 = dos.subname2 ) as big order by kpercent desc;
External Links[edit]
MLB Gameday database:
MySQL connector:
Gameday API: