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The 2004 Marcels (March 10, 2004)

Discussion Thread

Posted 1:10 a.m., March 16, 2004 (#26) - Miko
  I have a question about the age adjustments in the scheme.

If one applies the age adjustment to all components (prorated to the projected PA), doesn't this result in nudging the counting stats up or down, leaving the resulting rate stats unchanged?

If this is the case, then are improvements/declines due to age more or less taken care of by the weighted averaging? Or is it just that the system as is is accurate enough given the relative ease of calculating results?

MGL's superLWTS (March 10, 2004)

Discussion Thread

Posted 5:39 p.m., March 10, 2004 (#1) - Miko
  Thanks to both MGL and Tango!

How come the adjusted stats changed to per 150 games as opposed to per 162?

2004 Team Previews Around the Web (March 10, 2004)

Discussion Thread

Posted 10:52 p.m., March 28, 2004 (#8) - Miko
  Has anyone been following the previews? I closely read the previews for the A's and Red Sox, two teams I feel I know pretty well, and they're pretty amazing. It's not as if they're perfect (what ever is), but they're very comprehensive. The A's review has some pretty good criticisms of the Billy Beane regime, and everyone at Primer knows that between the Joe Morgans of the world and Primates running to defend the A's, it's hard to get the proper balance.

How are the other teams' reviews?

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