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      <item logid="1820" ns="0" title="Sergio Rossi shoes" pageid="0" logpage="0" type="delete" action="delete" user="Tangotiger" timestamp="2014-07-08T03:06:56Z" comment="content was: &quot;#REDIRECT [[SPAM-DELETE:Sergio Rossi shoes]]&quot; (and the only contributor was &quot;[[Special:Contributions/Kincaid|Kincaid]]&quot;)" />
      <item logid="1819" ns="0" title="Cordless electric lawn mower" pageid="0" logpage="0" type="delete" action="delete" user="Tangotiger" timestamp="2014-07-08T03:06:23Z" comment="content was: &quot;The Advantage Of Using Cordless lawn mower  Cordless lawn mowers have grown to be more popular with people that either don&#039;t want the actual mess of a...&quot; (and the only contributor was &quot;[[Special:Contributions/KHarleyLane45|KHarleyLane45]]&quot;)" />
      <item logid="1818" ns="12" title="Help:Contents" pageid="224" logpage="224" type="patrol" action="patrol" user="RFK" timestamp="2012-12-16T00:15:01Z" comment="">
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      <item logid="1815" ns="0" title="How the Weight loss plan Resolution Will work" pageid="0" logpage="0" type="delete" action="delete" user="RFK" timestamp="2012-03-20T15:37:49Z" comment="content was: &#039;Have wholemeal grain breads and cereals and keep away from specific nuts. A medial thigh raise will deal with the inner thighs even though the decreas...&#039; (and the only contributor was &#039;[[Special:Contributions/DamMaus|DamMaus]]&#039;)" />
      <item logid="1814" ns="2" title="User:DtpcJjhoz" pageid="0" logpage="0" type="block" action="block" user="RFK" timestamp="2012-03-13T17:00:08Z" comment="">
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      <item logid="1813" ns="0" title="Choosing Swift Methods Of obtain neopoints" pageid="0" logpage="0" type="delete" action="delete" user="RFK" timestamp="2012-03-13T16:59:48Z" comment="content was: &#039;Wh&amp;#1077;n you &amp;#1072;&amp;#1075;&amp;#1077; touring &amp;#1109;&amp;#1077;ns&amp;#1110;ble the &amp;#1109;&amp;#1077;ller&#039;s &amp;#1075;oad&amp;#1109; [; (and the only contributor was &#039;[[Special:Contributions/DtpcJjhoz|DtpcJjhoz]]&#039;)" />
      <item logid="1812" ns="2" title="User:Babahe" pageid="0" logpage="0" type="block" action="block" user="RFK" timestamp="2012-03-08T16:51:08Z" comment="">
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