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Open Directory Project - Sabermetrics (July 30, 2003)

John Skilton has a great site to get links for all things baseball, including sabermetrics. The above link is what Google uses, thanks to the dmoz.org Open Source Directory project.

The problem is that things are not categorized enough. On my site, I've categorized things by several subjects, but they only point to my stuff. There are plenty of great sabermetric studies and research out there, but no central place to get to it.

Primate Sylvain has suggested/offered to undertake such a project. So, feel free to add links to your favorite research pieces. Sylvain: feel free to take over from here.
--posted by TangoTiger at 11:49 AM EDT

Posted 12:07 p.m., July 30, 2003 (#1) - Sylvain(e-mail)
  Thanks Tango.

I posted my ideas om the thread "ESPN - Sabermetric website". The site I want to develop is as of now just a vague project. The technical details remain to be defined. However the concept would be the following: enable people to have an easier access to metrics and concepts developed. For example if in a discussion something like "hey, he's got an OWP of .547 and his VORP this year is.." appears, some people might not understand and thus be scared by sabermetrics.
The site (a sabermetrics glossary, or catalogue) would provide links to pages providing:
1) the definition of OWP and VORP (source) and possibly how to calculate it
2) data (VORP this year, past years) and
3) point out some relevant discussion about these metrics (why OWP is bad, what is the relevance of OWP...)

The long-term goal would be to provide a complete and exhaustive list of different metrics and concepts or discussions used in most saber discussions.
If anybody is interested or finds this idea interesting, do not hesitate to comment, give ideas, on this thread or directly per mail.

Thanks a lot,


Posted 5:50 p.m., July 30, 2003 (#2) - trantor
  What is wrong with using DMOZ.org? Seems like the perfect place....

Posted 6:06 p.m., July 30, 2003 (#3) - tangotiger
  I agree.

The suggestion here is for Sylvain to do the work of coordinating all of the material, based on the help from Primates wishing to contribute their favorite links.

After Sylvain has gather, sorted, indexed, and done his stuff, he can go to the editor, or become the editor, of the Sabermetrics directory at dmoz.org.

And, if they don't want him, or they take too long, Primer can be the official source to house the index.

Posted 9:35 a.m., July 31, 2003 (#4) - Sylvain(e-mail)
  Trantor, Tango: thanks for the ideas. I'll give some updates as soon as I'll have made (time?) any significant step.
